Thursday, May 20, 2010

Next time...Ask an Expert!

The very short growing season here at the end of the road sometimes results in the corn freezing about a week before harvest. So this year, we started the corn under grow lights in the garage. Then we moved it to the greenhouse where it enjoyed the sun’s warmth during the day, and was protected from freezing at night with a thermostatically controlled heater. We thought it would be ready to plant about the time the danger of frost was past. However…

It is now up to 12 inches tall and growing at a rate of 1 inch a day! I took it out of the hot greenhouse and put it on the verandah in an attempt to slow it down. Do I plant it in the garden now and take a chance on frost, or wait (while it continues to grow)? I guess we should have asked an expert…

Chocolate has always been my favourite ‘pick me up’. Things always look a little better after that sweet treat. So this week, when I felt a cold coming on, I opened up a can of chocolate macadamia nuts and polished them off in short order.

They were, as the can states, “irresistible”.

However, the result wasn’t what I expected. I felt worse. Yesterday, I got the ‘official’ doctor’s version: apparently if you eat anything sweet, your body's ability to fight a cold or flu is virtually shut down for 24 hours. I guess I should have asked an expert….

3. In an effort to keep the blue herons from eating the fish in the stocked pond, we got a blue heron decoy. The theory is that these birds are quite territorial and won’t land if another one of their kind is there.

However... the theory didn’t mention mating season...

I guess we should have asked an expert…

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