Monday, January 25, 2010

Great Lines

I'm on my own here at the "end of the road", and I’ve taken to talking to the cat. This happens routinely if the Cowboy is away any length of time. Sometimes we have pretty good conversations. Other times, like this morning, I’m less than pleased with the cat, and he hears, “You're Not Playing Auntie Beth, Now!”

This is the line at my house that indicates, “I’m serious. I mean business.”

It all started about 25 years ago. My (then 6-year-old) son was just starting to play checkers. And for a 6-year-old, he was pretty good. His grandpa loved a good game of checkers, and agreed to a match with the new player.

Being a most proud mama, I explained to grandpa, that the kid was pretty good. “In fact,” I stated proudly, “He even beat Auntie Beth!”

Grandpa responded, with a twinkle in his eye, “Well, he’s not playin’ Auntie Beth, now!”

Grandpa was not at all the type to purposely make bad moves, in an effort to encourage a new player. No, no, not by a longshot. He was all business, and soundly beat the boy in a very few swift moves.

Fast forward ‘til today. After cleaning up a ‘mess’ on the sofa, I really meant it when I told the cat, “You’ll become a barn cat, if this ever happens again. You’re not playin’ Auntie Beth, now!”

And I mean it!

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